More than 15 years of experience to design and develop a creative and an innovative Frontend and UI/UX including Responsive Web Design, Angular (2 to 19+), TypeScript, Bootstrap, JQuery, AJAX, JSON, LESS, SCSS, HTML5 and CSS3.
Wide and top level experience of full-stack with Angular, C#, .NET, .Net Core, MVC, Razor, Blazor, AngularJS 1.x, TypeScript, WebAPI, Bootstrap, AJAX, JSON, jQuery, VB.NET, SQL, WebAPI, EF, NuGet, PWA, UI/UX and Responsive Web Design.
Designed, Architected, Developed and Successfully completed numerous creative, complex and innovative projects as an Engineer/Architect capacity using Microsoft’s Cutting Edge technologies including OOD, OOP, DRY, IID and RAD Architect Methodology.